Alternative power for our pump house

Committee: Richard, Gene, Paul @ Reni

Solar power was investigated a number of years ago. At the time we required power 24/7. We did not implement due to cost and battery storage issues.

Today we have an upgraded power management system that does not require constant power and together with advancements in the solar power industry we feel that the time is right to revisit solar power. Our current monthly electricity cost is around $500/month.

Further encouragement came from fact that the Nesmith Library has installed solar power. Because the Town of Windham has already selected what would be our most logical solar company, we will be focusing on Revision Energy.

At the 1/19/23 meeting of the Board of Directors they agreed that we should continue to pursue the matter. A Solar Committee was formed, and we hope to have a more specific detailed report to give at the next available open BOD meeting.

We are too small for their investors.

Panels on pump house, 44 QCELL G10+ panels, 17.6 kW. System
produces 16,500 kWh annually, $68,000
Panels on pumphouse and storage shed, 58 QCELL G10+ panels, 23.2 kW. System
produces 21,000 kWh annually, ~$90,000
(estimates only, exact numbers would require site visit)

Be-Wind Vertical Wind Turbines

  • Function is low winds and generate useable power at low wind velocity while a the same time being capable of handling extreme wind conditions.
  • Designed to be very quiet and able to operate in urbane environment.
  • Supports low elevation and mountable on existing building.
  • Durable structure to withstand high winds with blade speed control and materials to ensure many years of performance, with low service maintenance.
  • Light weight so unit can be portable and easily assembled.
  • Simple design for manufacturing and installation and service.
  • Variable scalability for desired specific operations
  • Low cost to the consumer with fast return on investment.
  • Unique design to fit int any environment.
  • Security with built in safety features and redundancy if failure occurs.

EOW-300 = 8,000 kwh each (cuts consumption in half). Add solar package, approx. 10,000 kwh/per year close to 20,000 kwh annually. 3 complete systems approx. $60,000. ROI about 10 years.

Solar Project Presentation